It was a great honour for us to designate children as “LEADERS” and delegate their “LEADERSHIP ROLES” during school assembly today in the INVESTITURE CEREMONY
Investiture Ceremony
It was a great honour for us to designate children as “LEADERS” and delegate their “LEADERSHIP ROLES” during school assembly today in the INVESTITURE CEREMONY
Dr. Sinouvassane Djearamane is presently working as an Associate Professor in Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, has selected the Best Readers. He also had a special mention on the proficiency of reading in our children.
Today’s reader is Tomorrow Leaders. On account of National Reading day, we had initiated all our children, staffs, drivers and housekeeping staffs to spend half an hour ie. 11.30 am to 12.00 pm by reading anything of their interest apart from academic books. Today all the children of grade IX have interviewed Librarian and librarian… Continue reading Today’s reader is Tomorrow Leaders
Children of Sairam Vidyalaya celebrated Blue Colour Day on 24 Feb 2023. BLUE is a cool and calming color that shows creativity and intelligence. Blue Day was an amazing learning experience which had a long-lasting effect on every student. Children enjoyed the activities with immense enthusiasm.
It’s our honour to be a part in the Swach Sagar, Surakshit Sagar compain hold on 27th August 2022 at Promenade Beach, Puducherry. The Scouts and Guides of our school are deputed to participate in the campaign and interacted with the Hon’ble Minister for Environment, Forest and Climate change, Government of India. As a part… Continue reading Swach Sagar, Surakshit Sagar compain hold on 27th August 2022 at Promenade Beach, Puducherry
Sairam Vidyalaya conducted KURIOUS KIDS school Exhibition to appreciate and encourage the talents of young minds. All the children participated and explained their exhibits in an efficient manner. Parents visited and praised the efforts of the children. It is a great and memorable moment in the history of 10th year of Sairam Vidyalaya. We also… Continue reading Sairam Vidyalaya conducted KURIOUS KIDS school Exhibition to appreciate and encourage the talents of young minds.
“Shades of yellow stimulates our little ones with happiness, energy and optimism…….” With an objective to recapitulate and reinforce the effects of yellow colour, Our KG wing celebrated“Yellow day” on 01-07-2022. A day dedicated to the yellow colour Children were not only beautifully dressed in their favorite yellow colour but also brought yellow objects to… Continue reading Yellow colour, Our KG wing celebrated“Yellow day” on 01-07-2022.