“Talent hits a target no one else can hit” The hidden talent of Selvi.Anbukkarasi, class VII of our school was identified by LITTLE SUPER HEROES and we are glad to share the link to enjoy her show. Enjoy and shower your blessings on the young talent.

Sairam Vidyalaya conducted KURIOUS KIDS school Exhibition to appreciate and encourage the talents of young minds.

Sairam Vidyalaya conducted KURIOUS KIDS school Exhibition to appreciate and encourage the talents of young minds. All the children participated and explained their exhibits in an efficient manner. Parents visited and praised the efforts of the children. It is a great and memorable moment in the history of 10th year of Sairam Vidyalaya. We also… Continue reading Sairam Vidyalaya conducted KURIOUS KIDS school Exhibition to appreciate and encourage the talents of young minds.

Language and Literary Club celebrated National Reading Month. Reading competition was conducted through online and the Final round was conducted on 02-07-2022 for the shortlisted children.

Yellow colour, Our KG wing celebrated“Yellow day” on 01-07-2022.

“Shades of yellow stimulates our little ones with happiness, energy and optimism…….” With an objective to recapitulate and reinforce the effects of yellow colour, Our KG wing celebrated“Yellow day” on 01-07-2022. A day dedicated to the yellow colour Children were not only beautifully dressed in their favorite yellow colour but also brought yellow objects to… Continue reading Yellow colour, Our KG wing celebrated“Yellow day” on 01-07-2022.

S.Mrittika Sri (Std. II ) has bagged as the winner of the preliminary level

We are delighted to share you that our student S.Mrittika Sri (Std. II ) has bagged as the winner of the preliminary level for this week’s edition of the Toffee Ride GO Quiz Contest conducted by Toffee Ride – Learning App for Primary School Kids. Regular school schedule for all the classes.

NEET/IIT-JEE coaching classes

As a first step of our 10th academic year celebration, we had inaugurated the NEET/IIT-JEE coaching classes which was headed by our CSO sir and CIO sir, followed by Parent Induction program on 7 Habits by Dr.Kannan Girish. Teachers and children were honoured through Badge pinning ceremony.

Our KG wing celebrated“Yellow day” on 01-07-2022.

Our KG wing celebrated“Yellow day” on 01-07-2022. A day dedicated to the yellow colour Children were not only beautifully dressed in their favorite yellow colour but also brought yellow objects to make it a complete “Yellow Day”! Palm impression activity done by students with great enthusiasm and they enjoyed lot.

Teachers in service training on 16.02.2019

Teachers in service training on Childhood Depression (by principal) and meeting with regard to ISO and CBSE Affiliciation. This study concluded that: (1)Depressed children can be identified in the classroom with no indication that such identification is anything but helpful to the children and their teachers. (2)Depression and learning problems are strongly associated, and therefore… Continue reading Teachers in service training on 16.02.2019

Counseling Programme

How to face the exam without fear counseling programme was held at School Premises and it was presided over by Principal Mrs.N.SUDHA welcomed the Guest Mrs. VICTORIA (Psychiatrist). She addressed the students develop good study habits. Proper study habits and preparation are the keys to cutting out exam fear. Avoid last-minute “cramming” for exams and actively listen while… Continue reading Counseling Programme

Annual Day 2019

On 26th Jan, all the student and teachers of Sairam Vidyalaya celebrated their Annual day function with enthusiasm and zeal. The entire school participated whole heartedly towards the success of this great event. The chief guest Mr. Dr.S.MOHANKUMAR, MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT Inaugurated the function. In the annual report, the school principal Mrs.Sudha elaborated on the achievements… Continue reading Annual Day 2019